Scuba Toolkit

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Scuba Toolkit - built by divers for divers

The current version of the toolkit is release 0.0.6. You can download this version from the Download page. The release note for this version can be found here.

What's the Scuba Toolkit?
It's an idea. Or an ideal,. Imagine all the goodies you would like to have, that would make you a better diver, all this while making diving easier, more fun, and cheaper. When this is project is finished (or at least underway), we will have all the tools that divers need under one umbrella, free for all to use and change.

What tools are you building?
Blending/Mixing/Top-off calculators(already finished)
Nitrox Calculators (already finished)
Dive/Decompression Planner
Dive Simulation

Want to contribute?
We need help! Please contact us! If you are a diver, we'd like to hear from you too. Tells us what we should include in the toolkit. You can send an email to or

What's New

The nightly/daily build process is now in place. The unit tests are being run as part of this build process. Nightly releases are also available. For more information and to view the results of the build click on the nightly tab above.
Posted on 1/13/04 00:11
New Release. Version 0.0.6 available. It can be found here. Release notes are here. This release includes the table planner.
Posted on December 17, 2003
Version 0.0.5 available. It can be found here. Release notes are here. Includes the Mareblu Dive Simulator and a bug fix.
Posted on October 31, 2003
New web site look and feel.
Posted on March 28, 2002